What is it:
- One of the main parameters is the website page loading speed.
- If the loading speed of the website pages is too slow, then the visitor may not wait and leave the website.
- Many factors affect page loading speed - correct web code, number of elements on the page, the location of the website server, etc.
- Please note that a website containing a lot of "Heavy Elements" or including a lot of different CSS and JS libraries will not load fast anyway. But if you work with the website correctly, you can reduce this time.
What does the page loading speed depend on:
- Correct web code - it should be optimized, should be updated periodically, the code should not run unnecessary functions and should not occupy extra server memory, etc.
- Number of elements on the page, especially "Heavy Elements". A visually small element can have a very large web code (for example, tables, drop-down lists, tabs, etc.).
- Some elements may require the loading of style libraries (CSS) or JS libraries (JavaScript), which can be very large. For example, you liked the "button" and you want the same on your website. You can do it right - adding only the necessary styles and JS code and get a button with a size about 20-50 kB. Or you can copy from the example with libraries that the author used to create it, and your button will take 200-500 kB.
- Media files can slow down page loading speeds significantly - it often happens that you can see several small pictures on a web page, but in fact these are huge photos of several megabytes in size. As a result, your “small page” is over 10 MB.
- Correct Web Caching - Browser Caching, Server-Side Caching, Database Fetch Caching, Indexing Popular Database Queries, etc. Caching is the process of storing a "result" as static information and using it in the future. For example, to display a specific page, you need to get information from the database, then modify it and only then display it on the webpage. You can cache the result at the server-side and display it faster, without a new database request and modification. But you need to understand that not all information can be cached - for example, the price of the property cannot be cached, otherwise the visitor may see the wrong price.
- Server software - it is important that the software works quickly and correctly. Software must be constantly updated - new versions always have additional features and work faster.
- Server hardware - The server is like a "specific" home computer - if you have an old processor, weak graphics card or a narrow band communication channel, then everything will work slowly.
- The location of the server that hosts your website. A website page is stored on a server and transmitted to the visitor's screen passing through many Internet Nodes (Data Centers). The farther the distance from the visitor's computer to the server - the longer the signal will be transmitted.
Most of the Companies Provide:
- Most companies don't really care about website speed - they create regular websites with simple designs and minimal information. It's easy and your website is fast enough even with old hardware and low-quality code.
- If you later want to add additional elements to the page, your website may slow down. To solve this problem, you will have to hire and pay extra for a website optimization.
What Do We Provide:
- We constantly test and optimize the website web code.
- We regularly replace hardware - transferring to newer servers with up-to-date software.
- We try to locate our servers as close to the owner as possible to get the fastest connection to the website. This is why all our servers are located in the USA.
- For websites containing a lot of "Heavy Elements" (video, parallax, objects with animation, etc.), we optimize media files and configure the caching mechanisms (server caching, code caching, browser caching, network caching, caching of frequent database queries), which significantly increases the speed of such pages.